
c2c records best punctuality performance for almost four years

Last month we recorded our best punctuality results since autumn 2015, newly-published figures show.

97.7% of c2c trains arrived on time in February, which was the best performance in the country. This compares to the UK average punctuality for February of 89.1%.

Meanwhile last year over the same four-week period just 88.1% of c2c trains arrived on time following the “Beast from the East” storm.

c2c Managing Director Julian Drury said: “We’re so proud to have delivered our best punctuality figures for nearly four years. The contrast to February last year, when the Beast from the East caused so much disruption and damage to our trains, is striking.

“However our improvement isn’t only because of the weather; it also reflects the impact of all the work our staff, Network Rail and Bombardier have put into providing our customers with an ultra-reliable service.”

Full details of the Public Performance Measure, which is the rail industry’s official measure of punctuality, is published by Network Rail at: www.networkrail.co.uk/who-we-are/how-we-work/performance/railway-performance/.